Объект 5X5X15 / Object 5X5X15

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Uwe Becker. Объект 5X5X15 / Object 5X5X15

Объект 5X5X15 / Object 5X5X15
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.

Object 5X5X15

The design is an object of public art, intended to be set in open spaces. For example, to accentuate the entrance area of the Novosibirsk State University

of Architecture and Civil Engineering. It covers an area of 5x15 meters, 5 meters high and can operate as meeting point and leisure zone on the campus.

Inspired by the PROUNs, the conversion from painting to spatial arts, the design honors El Lissitzky by citing the shine of some characteristic colors (red, yellow, black) and by setting the structural elements (circular and linear spaces) into dynamic tension.

Most obviously, the physical appearance of the memorial depends on light. The surfaces change their colors, depending on climatical conditions. Natural light will render prominently the volumes and in the night colored artificial light will create a landsign, comparable with light houses, to define the characteristics of the town-spaces.

The object can be easily realized by using a rebuilt ship-container for the sloping bow and an angle-trimmed part of a common wastewater tube for the circular lens.

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